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[ Watching and reflecting on movies and television series in quarantine ]

The coronavirus is a reality that quickly entered the daily life of our cities, our universities, our offices, our families.  Those of us who have been working on issues of human rights and narrative ethics consider that compulsory isolation has its troubles – and, also, its surprises. One of them is the opportunity to recreate the cinema, that is, to see the classics and new productions with new eyes. To do this, we draw on resources from different academic journals on film, university and graduate spaces, and the structure of the UBA Online Congress on Ethics and Cinema. Our aim is to offer an anthology of freely accessible films, a selection of which includes commentaries by prestigious contemporary thinkers. The project brings together a film and a text with a director and a critic in an experience that allows us to respond to the pandemic through art. The initiative is coordinated by scholars who work on ethical clinical strategies through narrative, under the initial coordination of UBA-UNC-CONICET (Argentina) and under the auspices of The International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.

[ Watching and reflecting on movies and television series in quarantine ]
Bioethics and Film in the context of a Pandemic:
[ Ver y pensar el cine en cuarentena ]
El aislamiento obligatorio tiene sus sinsabores y también sus sorpresas. Una de ellas es la oportunidad de recrear el acontecimiento del cine, de ver con nuevos ojos los clásicos y las producciones recientes. Este sitio web ofrece una antología para el visionado de grandes películas comentadas por prestigiosos pensadores contemporáneos. Reúne un film y un texto, un director y un analista, en una experiencia que nos permita hacer algo con la contingencia a través del arte. El proyecto está coordinado por académicos que trabajan en estrategias ético-clínicas con películas y series en universidades y centros de investigación de distintas partes del mundo.
Películas de / Films by
Woody Allen, Pedro Almodóvar, María Luisa Bemberg, Tim Burton, Sergio Cabrera, Charles Chaplin, Alfonso Cuarón, Liliana Cavani, José Luis Cuerda, Michael Curtiz, Jonathan Demme, Atom Egoyan, Víctor Fleming, Bob Fosse, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Michael Haneke, Alfred Hitchcock, Margaret von Trotta, Tom Hooper, Jim Jarmusch, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Sebastián Lelio, Lucrecia Martel, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Todd Philips, Pedro Ultreras, Lucía Puenzo, Orson Welles. 
Analizadas por / Analyzed by
Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Jorge Luis Borges, Nancy Blake, Julio Cabrera, Stanley Cavell, Teresa De Laurentis, José Pablo Feinmann, Jacques Lacan, Ignacio Lewkowicz, Jacques Rancière, Gerard Wajcman, Gerardo Yoel, Daniel Zimmerman, Slavoj Zizek.
Un proyecto conjunto de / A joint project of
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